MD, Omnibsic Ghana Ltd., Accra

  Financial Evangelism is an exceptional book that skillfully establishes a direct link between evangelism and finance, making it a masterpiece on the purpose of wealth for believers. Over the years, discussions on wealth and financial prosperity have sparked debates among both Christians and non-Christians, with some ministers of the Gospel being labeled as prosperity preachers. This has led to discomfort for some believers whenever the subject of money is raised in church. However, Nelson and Elizabeth, in this remarkable book, eloquently argue that financial prosperity is a God-given blessing and that ample financial resources are essential for fulfilling the Great Commission, as outlined by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in Matthew 28:18-20. They emphasize that the lack of sufficient financial resources has been a significant hindrance to modern missions. As a Financial Evangelist myself, I have personally experienced immense benefits by giving back from the little God has entrusted to me. I firmly believe that if believers are faithful in stewarding the financial resources in their hands, the church will be empowered to reach even the most remote and unreached places in the world. One of the most commendable aspects of this book is its practical approach to entrepreneurial success and wealth creation. It not only encourages believers to finance the Gospel but also provides valuable insights that will greatly benefit businesspeople aiming to stand out prominently. After all, how can we give what we do not possess in the first place? However, I must acknowledge that there are believers who have been mightily blessed by God but have yet to fully grasp the purpose of the wealth bestowed upon them. Sadly, many believers have not been faithful stewards of God's money, making this book an eye-opening revelation and a call for revival in the marketplace and among church leaders. I highly recommend Financial Evangelism as a must-read for every believer seeking a deeper understanding of the profound connection between finance and evangelism. This book holds the potential to ignite a fresh perspective on wealth, encouraging believers to embrace their God-given financial resources with stewardship and generosity, ultimately fueling the mission of spreading the Gospel and impacting lives worldwide.


Former Ceo, Letshego Ghana Ltd, Accra

As I delved into the pages of this book, the beautiful lyrics of one of my favorite songs kept resonating in my heart: "His favorite song of all, is the song of the Redeemed. When lost sinners, now made clean, lift their voices, loud and strong. When those purchased by His blood, lift to Him a song of love, there's nothing more He'd rather hear, nor so pleasing to His ear, as His favorite song of all." Financial Evangelism serves as the vehicle that enables our loving Lord to hear His favorite song being sung throughout the nations. The importance of financing the Gospel is both spiritual and practical, and for those who embrace it as a way of life, their impact transcends generations. Nelson and Elizabeth have poured their hearts into this inspired epistle, providing a beautiful guide for all who yearn to see the gospel reach the farthest corners of the earth. May God bless you as you read and equip you to gather the redeemed, as they sing His favorite song through your generous giving. Your dedication to Financial Evangelism allows God's love and message to resound far and wide, bringing hope and transformation to countless lives.


Director Of Business Banking, Absa Bank Ghana

One of the fundamental teachings I received from my parents at a very young age was the concept that every resource we possess is a gift entrusted to us for caretaking, with the purpose not limited to personal gain but, significantly, to be a source of blessing to others. The book, "Financial Evangelism" by Nelson Semanu & Elizabeth Boandoh-Korkor, these timeless principles are elucidated in a remarkably comprehensible manner, making them applicable to our daily lives. We are presently witnessing a spiritual revival emanating from the most unexpected places. In this moment, it is crucial for Christians to rise up and actively, as well as sacrificially, contribute to the dissemination of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, without reservation. This book serves as a compelling call to action and is an essential read for every Christian who seeks to embrace their role in the Great Commission.


General Overseer, Foursquare Gospel Church, Rwanda

Church and parachurch leaders are more concerned with what is "spiritual." This is a positive thing, as we all want the Holy Spirit to empower us for God's kingdom. We know that we need the Holy Spirit to help us do the will of God. We are also aware that our neighbors, friends, and nations need to hear the gospel. We know that it is our duty as believers to take the gospel to unreached people. However, we often forget that taking the good news to the unreached has a cost. No single church can impact its surroundings without investing in finances. In my home country, Rwanda, four years ago, many churches with well-trained pastors were shut down, not because of spiritual issues, but because they lacked the financial resources to maintain their buildings. Pastors had invested more in spirituality than in financial matters. This book is a valuable tool that will help spiritual leaders increase their knowledge in raising and managing funds needed to accelerate the Great Commission and impact their places of ministry. I am very pleased to commend this helpful book to my fellow ministers.


Founder, Blue Rose Ltd, Accra

The book on financial evangelism is undeniably a profound source of wisdom for Christians who are eager to expand the kingdom of God on earth and advance the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. In our fast-growing world, where financial capacity plays a crucial role in spreading the gospel, this book offers invaluable insights. As Jesus declared in Matthew 16:18, "… on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it." Taking these profound words to heart, I am fully convinced that this book is a must-read, as it provides sound biblical knowledge on the necessity of utilizing our resources to advance the work of the kingdom here on earth. Personally, I approached this book with the ulterior motive of gaining a deep spiritual understanding of the importance of being channels of blessing in the kingdom. To my delight, the book addresses the questions that trouble modern Christians concerning financing the kingdom, offering substantial scriptural backing that left me in awe, wondering why such a book had not been available earlier. The authors' discernment in distinguishing between church financiers and kingdom financiers is an eye-opener that effectively settles debates surrounding the topic of financing the kingdom agenda. Every reader will be won over by the profound insights and unrelenting scriptural perspectives that dispel any doubts. This book has encouraged me to wholeheartedly embrace the race set before me and to confidently address the concerns surrounding kingdom financing. A cherished Bible verse of mine, Matthew 6:33, admonishes us to "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you." I firmly believe that kingdom financing is a manifestation of this act of seeking God first, making it a primary act of worship for believers. The principle of taking care of God's business and experiencing His reciprocal care remains unchanging. As we witness a paradigm shift in our service to God, kingdom financing emerges as an expressive form of devotion. This book is truly profound, enlightening, edifying, and above all, instructive in guiding us to passionately engage in and fulfill the will of God.


Former General Superintendent, Assemblies Of God, Ghana

The long-awaited clarion call for a book that discerns Christian principles and practices concerning wealth creation, differentiating them from non-Christian ideas and ideals, has finally been answered. This distinct book, which I would dub the "financial freedom friend," has arrived to serve as the one-stop-shop resource that the Christian world has been searching for over the last century.


General Overseer, Family Altar, Accra

The significance of financial resources for the Great Commission cannot be overlooked. With over 8 billion people on Earth, it is disheartening that only a few have been exposed to the message of Christ. Many are still lost and in need of hearing the good news of the kingdom, but we struggle to reach them without adequate resources. In light of this, I consider Nelson and Elizabeth's latest book a true blessing to the church. Having had the privilege of experiencing their ministry in our church on multiple occasions and reading their numerous publications, I must say that Financial Evangelism stands out as an exceptional work. It is undoubtedly one of the finest books written on the subject of money and business for the modern Christian. The content is awe-inspiring, and its impact is bound to resonate across generations. I wholeheartedly recommend this book to Christian entrepreneurs and professionals from diverse fields of endeavor. By reading Financial Evangelism, we can gain valuable insights into aligning our financial resources with the Kingdom's advancement. Let us embrace this powerful resource and contribute effectively to spreading the message of Christ to the unreached masses.


Ceo, Xodus Communications, Accra

As an entrepreneur with expertise in event management, I have always strongly believed that businesspeople have a significant and vital role to play in the church and the fulfillment of the Great Commission. Unfortunately, for years, it seems that the church has somewhat sidelined entrepreneurs and professionals, leading some to believe that they must leave their businesses and go into full-time ministry to please God. However, I am thrilled by how this book, Financial Evangelism, has dispelled such misconceptions and clearly outlined the unique roles kingdom entrepreneurs can play in advancing the Kingdom of God. Financial Evangelism is not your typical personal business or finance book; it is truly one of a kind. The content is revealing, inspiring, and empowering. It offers valuable insights on achieving business success and wealth creation from a biblical perspective, while also providing practical guidelines on how Christians can strategically use their wealth and careers as tools for accomplishing the Great Commission. If you are an entrepreneur seeking wisdom on how to become a valuable asset in the Kingdom of God, this book is a must-read. It will undoubtedly transform your perspective on the intersection of faith and entrepreneurship. Congratulations to Nelson and Elizabeth for producing such an impactful and enlightening work!


General Overseer, Gracefields Chapel, Kumasi

It is amazing how people are willing to spend huge sums of money on worldly entertainment, but frown when the church uses resources to do its ministry work. If Christians don't push the gospel, the world certainly won't. That is why the church needs financial evangelists: people who will use their financial resources to push the agenda of God's kingdom. The church should not shy away from talking about money, because the Lord Jesus Himself didn't. In fact, He talked about money more than any other topic in the Bible. The book Financial Evangelism by Nelson and Elizabeth is a must-read for every church seeking to spread the gospel and raise kingdom financiers. The book provides kingdom business keys to entrepreneurial success, as well as the top ten keys to perpetual wealth. It also teaches how to use money to fund the gospel and make a difference in the world. I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to use their finances to advance the kingdom of God. It is a blessing to read and will challenge you to think differently about money.


General Overseer, Centre For Christian Outreach Ministries, Kumasi

For the past 50 years, I have had the privilege of serving in various capacities in evangelistic campaigns in Ghana, many African countries, Asia, Europe, and North America. I have also read several books on evangelism and soul winning, but this is the only one that directly links evangelism and financial success, suggesting that the purpose of financial prosperity is to fund the preaching of the gospel. The Great Commission was the main assignment that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ gave the church on His ascension to heaven. In that instruction, He made it explicitly clear that we must do all we can to take the gospel to the ends of the earth. Unfortunately, the church has not been able to do this simply because there seems to be a lack of financial resources that could help to achieve this aim. Additionally, as the second coming of the Lord draws near, not many believers are conscious of giving evangelism the needed priority it deserves. Against this backdrop, I find this book, titled Financial Evangelism, to be relevant and timely. In my view, it is an empowerment tool for championing the Great Commission. It is not just another book on wealth and business success. Financial Evangelism examines keys that Christian businesspeople can apply to create wealth in order to advance the kingdom of God. The book also presents timeless sound success principles for entrepreneurs who desire to do business God's way. I am confident that this timely book will ignite the fire for evangelism and soul winning in many ministries across the globe. I highly and enthusiastically recommend it. Congratulations to Nelson and Elizabeth for this great work!


Head Of Media The Church Of Pentecost, Headquarters, Accra

As a pastor, I appreciate the unique role that financial resources play in fulfilling the Great Commission. It is an open secret that we cannot talk about the success of a church in reaching out to the lost without referring to the availability of financial resources. This book promises to be a great resource in raising the needed financiers for the end-time harvest. Against this backdrop, I find this latest publication by Nelson and Elizabeth to be a powerful tool for championing the Great Commission. The book also has vital lessons for kingdom entrepreneurs, as well as professionals in different fields. It is a masterpiece for the modern church, and I highly recommend it.


Psychologist, Author And Entrepreneur, South Africa

The world needs to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And unlike any other time in the history of the world, people need to be saved through dedication to bring Jesus to them by His servants. For this to happen, often financial backing is needed. This can be in the form of a little, or much more for those who can afford it and who wish to do it. We all deeply desire to bring people to our Lord and Saviour, and there is much rejoicing in heaven when a soul is saved. As Joe Kirby from Off the Kirb Ministries says, “We were designed to worship.” of worship is giving and financing ministries that grow the Kingdom of God. He also says, “We should be grateful for what we have. The Lord Jesus is in the business of creating new beginnings.” And yes, we should be grateful, and when we can do so, we should give. Just as Jesus is in the business of creating new beginnings, we too should be part of the business of ensuring that this same Jesus is brought to many. For this reason, kingdom entrepreneurship needs to be hugely encouraged. Kingdom financiers are critical to grow the kingdom to the glory of God. As a start, resources should go to your local church or church community that makes sense. What is more important is the giving of time and commitment to spreading the gospel. This book is a must-read for all Christians who want to grow the Kingdom of God. It gives very practical advice for those who can give their time to those who can invest vast amounts of money in God’s work. It is biblically based and thoroughly researched. I recommend it to both new and older sons and daughters of the Most-High God.


Reigners Worship Centre, Accra

Jesus gave us a clear and straightforward mandate to preach the gospel to all creation. However, there is a big gap between the money needed to fulfill this mandate and what we have in our hands to do the actual work. This is even more challenging in today's world, where finances are scarce. The church has also contributed to this problem by not properly understanding the concept of money and how it should be used for the advancement of the gospel. The book Financial Evangelism provides a deep practical understanding of how we can gain financial dominion and how money can be used as a tool in propagating the gospel. The wisdom in this book has the power to transform the minds of believers and enable them to exercise financial dominion that will cause them to reign in life and make impact in the advancement of the Kingdom of God here on earth.


A Veterinary Surgeon & Founder of Praise Academy, Kasoa

I have always believed that entrepreneurs and professionals have an important role to play in the accomplishment of the Great Commission, and I am glad that a book on this subject has finally been written. For years, the church has neglected the roles of kingdom businesspeople in its major assignment, reaching out to the lost. Some people have even erroneously thought that they must resign from their workplaces and go into full-time ministry in order for God to be pleased with them. In this book, Nelson and Elizabeth propound solid theories on how to run a successful business on sound biblical principles and how to position one's business and career as a tool for advancing the gospel in the world. The book also examines time-tested strategies for creating perpetual wealth and how to use this new-found wealth as a tool to fund the gospel. Christians who are on the lookout for sound Bible keys to become financially independent can also find great wisdom in this book. Significantly, the purpose of wealth and prosperity is to bless lives and fund the gospel. This theme runs throughout the book. Honestly, this is one of the best books I have ever read on money and business in years! I would like to congratulate the authors for the masterly manner in which they presented the various topics and chapters that have culminated into this masterpiece. Financial Evangelism is destined to impact millions of Christians all over the world. I pray that the Almighty will breathe upon it and let it bring light into every business. I also pray for more grace upon them to unravel the mysteries of the Kingdom of God on earth. Congratulations!


Former Ashanti Regional Minister, Ghana

Every vision requires adequate funding, and the business of soul winning is no exception. As someone who believes in youth development, I can appreciate the frustration of pastors who have a vision to reach the unsaved but do not have the means to achieve it. In addition to representing Christ in the marketplace or wherever we find ourselves, we are also expected to use our financial resources to champion the agenda of soul winning and discipleship. It is in this vein that I welcome the masterpiece titled Financial Evangelism. This book addresses key issues on kingdom finance, business, entrepreneurship, and wealth creation, making it a great companion for anyone with an interest in these areas. It is an eye-opener, and I highly recommend it to all, especially Christian professionals and entrepreneurs. Congratulations to Nelson and Elizabeth for this outstanding work!    


Former Director, Legal Affairs, SIC Insurance

God deserves abundant praise, worship, and adoration for bestowing upon us the gift of Nelson Semanu and Elizabeth Boandoh-Korkor, two prolific and serial writers of great substance. This dynamic literary duo, akin to Priscilla and Aquila, an equally charismatic Christian couple from the early church, is devoted to the ministry of the saints. Their seminal work, Financial Evangelism, further accentuates their profile as courageous explorers of uncharted waters and fearless trailblazers in areas others may fear to tread. With unwavering courage and enthusiasm, Nelson and Elizabeth fearlessly address taboo topics that have hindered the growth and development of many individuals. The passion with which the authors express their thoughts and the clarity of their communication are truly commendable. Financial Evangelism is a must-read for serious-minded individuals seeking an impactful Christ-centered lifestyle that transcends their time on earth. The book's timing is especially pertinent as we navigate through a period of significant financial challenges and economic turmoil, with several nations and individuals grappling with the effects of recession. I trust that readers will approach this book with prayerful consideration and embrace its time-tested principles for personal and corporate transformational turnaround.  


President, Founder, Priests & Kings Network

There are various methods of evangelism, and one of the key approaches is through finance. I am delighted that we now have a book that sheds light on the financial aspect of evangelism, termed as "Financial Evangelism" by the authors. It is essential to stress that evangelism goes beyond the conventional image of sharing Bibles and winning souls for Christ. While that is a fundamental form of evangelism, our contemporary world offers one of the most active avenues for spreading the Gospel through the use of financial resources. Given the global interconnectedness, financial means can reach people in any corner of the world with the message of the Gospel. Financial Evangelism involves how we utilize our financial resources as Christians. It is not an exclusive call for a few individuals but a mandate for every believer who identifies as a child of God. Often, many of us fail to realize that our financial decisions are a form of evangelism. When we invest money in something, we are essentially promoting and spreading the good news about that venture. For example, putting money into business promotion is a form of evangelism, known as marketing and advertising. Similarly, when we allocate our finances to support the Gospel and God's work, we directly contribute to promoting the kingdom and its values. Nelson and Elizabeth have done an outstanding job by creating this masterpiece. It is not just a book; it is a manual that every born-again Christian should have on their desk. It is a valuable resource for ministries in our current generation, not only for pastors but also for church workers in general. I wholeheartedly endorse this book and pray that it becomes a blessing to everyone who reads it!  


Director, Dawit Insurance Agency, Kenya

At the tender age of 16, I surrendered my life to Christ while living in Entebbe, Uganda. Despite my parents not permitting me to attend church, I found genuine fellowship in the school's Christian Union Fellowship. Surprisingly, I was appointed treasurer of the fellowship soon after joining, and I marveled at the leadership's trust in me, considering I was a new convert. Little did I know that God had a plan to teach me stewardship and the importance of understanding the church's needs from a young age. Even with limited opportunities to attend church, whenever I had the chance, I willingly gave all my pocket money towards church projects, embracing the call of stewardship wholeheartedly. Discovering a book that clearly defines your identity in the Kingdom of God is a profound experience. For my husband and me, this quest has been a long one, despite being involved in several ministries. However, we noticed that our consistency lies in our heartfelt desire to bless men and women of God by taking them out for meals, shopping, and showing them love and care. We believe they deserve moments of respite from their relentless service. These men and women are ordinary human beings with their own needs and desires. Who spends quality time with them? Who do they turn to when ministry drains them, seeking support and understanding? It is this genuine care and affection that we have now come to realize aligns with the calling of Financial Evangelists. Reading this book has brought immense excitement as we finally recognize and embrace our role as Financial Evangelists. The seemingly small acts of kindness and support we offer in God's Kingdom can make a significant difference. By caring for those who have been called to minister the Gospel, we become an integral part of God's redemption plan. Financial Evangelists existed in the Bible and continue to play a vital role in advancing the Gospel. I wholeheartedly recommend this book because the knowledge it imparts boosts your confidence to give even more. I express my heartfelt gratitude to Nelson and Elizabeth for shining a light on the existence and significance of Financial Evangelists, reinforcing the importance of our calling in God's Kingdom. May God's blessings be upon you both!


MD, OmniBSIC Ghana Ltd., Accra

Financial Evangelism is an exceptional book that skillfully establishes a direct link between evangelism and finance, making it a masterpiece on the purpose of wealth for believers. Over the years, discussions on wealth and financial prosperity have sparked debates among both Christians and non-Christians, with some ministers of the Gospel being labeled as prosperity preachers. This has led to discomfort for some believers whenever the subject of money is raised in church. However, Nelson and Elizabeth, in this remarkable book, eloquently argue that financial prosperity is a God-given blessing and that ample financial resources are essential for fulfilling the Great Commission, as outlined by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in Matthew 28:18-20. They emphasize that the lack of sufficient financial resources has been a significant hindrance to modern missions. As a Financial Evangelist myself, I have personally experienced immense benefits by giving back from the little God has entrusted to me. I firmly believe that if believers are faithful in stewarding the financial resources in their hands, the church will be empowered to reach even the most remote and unreached places in the world. One of the most commendable aspects of this book is its practical approach to entrepreneurial success and wealth creation. It not only encourages believers to finance the Gospel but also provides valuable insights that will greatly benefit businesspeople aiming to stand out prominently. After all, how can we give what we do not possess in the first place? However, I must acknowledge that there are believers who have been mightily blessed by God but have yet to fully grasp the purpose of the wealth bestowed upon them. Sadly, many believers have not been faithful stewards of God's money, making this book an eye-opening revelation and a call for revival in the marketplace and among church leaders. I highly recommend Financial Evangelism as a must-read for every believer seeking a deeper understanding of the profound connection between finance and evangelism. This book holds the potential to ignite a fresh perspective on wealth, encouraging believers to embrace their God-given financial resources with stewardship and generosity, ultimately fueling the mission of spreading the Gospel and impacting lives worldwide.


MD, Vanguard Life Assurance, Accra-Ghana.

The book Financial Evangelism by Nelson and Elizabeth is a masterpiece. The church was founded by Jesus Christ, the Architect of the universe, and our Lord and Savior is not poor. Therefore, His church cannot be poor either. The authors have articulated the relationship between the Head of the church and the body in the area of financial independence. Money is an essential commodity in the business of the kingdom, and the authors have explained what believers must do to tap into the riches and prosperity of the kingdom.  This is a must-read book for all those who seek and desire to access the fullness and riches of their faith.
1REV. IGNATIUS ESSIEN COBBINA - General Overseer, City of Christ Church Worldwide.
God is in need of your financial resources to advance His agenda on Earth! He desires to establish His Kingdom in the hearts of humanity, and He has chosen to partner with His people, using their resources to accomplish this divine purpose. Let this truth sink deep into your spirit!" This powerful quote resonated with me as I delved into the insightful book on Financial Evangelism written by Nelson and Elizabeth. It reminded me of the timeless wisdom found in Ecclesiastes 10:19, which states, "...but money answers everything." The church, especially in developing nations, has faced numerous hindrances in spreading the gospel and nurturing the souls won for Christ. Financial resources are required to effectively carry out God's work. Even when Jesus had a small administration of twelve, He appointed a treasurer who was responsible for managing the ministry's finances. Although the Bible does not explicitly mention offerings or fundraising efforts by Jesus, the presence of a treasurer highlights the importance of financial stewardship in God's work. Unfortunately, the enemy has launched attacks on the church's finances to hinder its progress and prevent the fulfillment of the Great Commission. This book addresses some of these challenges. I am grateful to Nelson and Elizabeth for their courageous initiative to illuminate the history of church financing, the grace of giving, and provide examples of individuals from both biblical and contemporary times who understood the call to contribute their resources for the advancement of God's Kingdom. As we grasp this understanding, we are empowered to work diligently, create wealth, and faithfully support the Kingdom's agenda. This book is a valuable resource, and I wholeheartedly recommend it to every minister of the Gospel and every born-again Christian. May God abundantly bless you as you engage with this profound material.
2HON. ISAAC ASHAI ODAMTTEN - Member of Parliament, Republic of Ghana.
I have known Nelson and Elizabeth for some time now, and I have always been a fan of their work. They are a young couple who I have a lot of respect for. They represent humble beginnings that have changed the lives of many people. Despite their young age, they have proven to be a force in the advancement of the kingdom of God and individual development. In their latest masterpiece, Financial Evangelism, they argue that the purpose of wealth and financial prosperity is to advance the gospel. In a simple and easy-to-read style, the authors interweave extensive research and personal experiences to make a strong case for the involvement of Christian entrepreneurs and professionals in the Great Commission. The book discusses the concept of financial evangelism, with examples cited from the Old and New Testaments. They also provide keys to success in business and entrepreneurship based on sound biblical principles. Finally, they conclude the narrative by discussing the benefits of financing the preaching of the gospel. The book is a masterpiece! It is well-written, informative, and inspiring. I highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in learning more about financial evangelism or who wants to be more involved in the work of advancing the gospel.
3REV. FREDERICK T. FORSON - Whitefields Commission Chapel, Accra, Ghana
I was intrigued when Nelson sent me a soft copy of the book's cover page. Financial Evangelism? I couldn't wait to get my hands on a book with such a strange title. Then I received the soft copy and, as I read through the pages, I knew that this was a masterclass of a book! Though a young couple, Nelson and Elizabeth have managed to build a huge network of seasoned personalities in various fields. The fruits of their pursuit of excellence are encapsulated in this book, and it is one of their finest works to date. The book reveals an in-depth research into the subject, and the content is rich and thought-provoking. It simplifies one of the banes of ministry - supporting God's kingdom financially - and seeks to train the unschooled mind on how to deal with one of the most difficult subjects: kingdom financing. Its primary aim is to simplify a very difficult subject and is a good training tool for equipping Christians in the area of kingdom financing. I applaud this God-sent couple for this great piece of work. It is an "unputdownable book" that I recommend to anyone who intends to go far in ministry. Nelson and Lizzy, well done!
4PASTOR DR. J. C. LAMPTEY - Resident Pastor, Gracefields Chapel, Accra
Nelson Semanu and Elizabeth Boandoh-Korkor form a dynamic couple, driven by a profound passion to empower believers for financial excellence and leverage that advantage to advance God's kingdom. Their book is a treasure trove of invaluable insights, providing the roadmap to lead believers into a position of dominion in Financial Evangelism. This classic is an absolute must-read, as it holds the potential to ignite transformation and propel believers towards unprecedented success in their financial endeavors while fulfilling the mission of the Gospel.
5MARIAN YABE TENGE - Communications Professional, Ghana Gas Company, Accra
I was honored to share a few words on this book. I strongly believe that this book will be a groundbreaking project not just for Christian businesspeople, but also for the church of Jesus Christ. I find this material to be profound and relevant, especially in these last days when many people are more concerned with their own personal needs than with sponsoring the gospel. I am a firm believer in financial evangelism. I believe in using our resources to fund the preaching of the gospel at any given time. Psalm 126:1-2 is the scripture that I always stand by whenever I am led to give towards the work of God, especially beyond tithes and offerings. I am aware that sowing seeds out of pain and discomfort is never easy, and sometimes as individuals, despite the numerous unmet needs that we have, we still go ahead to give towards the gospel. Financial Evangelism is a great book, and I look forward to reading every chapter. I am particularly excited about the chapter on "Celebrating Contemporary Financial Evangelists" because it focuses on entrepreneurs who have succeeded massively in business as a result of funding evangelistic campaigns. I also love the chapter on "Steps to Becoming a Financial Evangelist" because it brings out the practicality of the whole concept of financial evangelism. This book is loaded! I could feel the passion and the spirit of urgency in the hearts of the authors as I read the first three chapters they sent to me. I pray that the Spirit of God will cause the book, Financial Evangelism, to open doors for the gospel to thrive and for the gospel of the kingdom to reach the unreached in the world. I also pray that the book will compel Christian entrepreneurs to look up to God as their source and to intentionally drive financial and other resources into promoting Christian content and godly principles in the marketplace. As they do this, I believe that they will live to reap the rewards of financing the gospel which the authors have enumerated in this book. May God richly bless you for allowing the Holy Spirit to make these revelations through you to the church. Congratulations!
6DESMOND D. KOOMSON - Manager, Transactions Unit, PwC Accra, Ghana
The words of William R. Featherston's hymn, "My Jesus, I Love Thee," resonate deeply while reading the masterpiece, Financial Evangelism. In a world where self-love prevails, Jesus calls us to rise above and stand out in our love for Him. This requires aligning our mission and goals with His, where the salvation of souls becomes our ultimate purpose. Financial Evangelism beautifully illustrates how every believer, irrespective of their pursuits in life, can partner with Christ to reach the lost. It challenges complacency and encourages us to recognize that there is always more we can do for the kingdom. As you prayerfully read this book with an open heart, your commitment to the kingdom will be strengthened and renewed. Let the message of Financial Evangelism ignite a profound love for Jesus within you and inspire a greater dedication to the cause of spreading the gospel. May your life become a living testimony of unwavering love and dedication to the mission of winning souls for Christ.
7SAMUEL QUARSHIE - CEO, Elegant Homes & General Construction, Accra
We were honored to have Nelson and Elizabeth minister at Rhema Outreach Church, and it was a great moment we will never forget. I have also had the privilege to read some of their publications on the subject of financial evangelism, and they have been a great blessing. I strongly believe that Nelson and Elizabeth have been called by God for a specific assignment in the body of Christ, and this vision continues to unfold in different phases that the church continues to benefit from. Their books and online conferences have had a tremendous impact on lives globally, and I have no doubt that Financial Evangelism will have an even greater impact. The book examines the subject of money, riches, and wealth in a way that you may never have seen in any other book. You will discover timeless keys to entrepreneurial success as a Christian entrepreneur, and finally, they present simple strategies on how to reposition your career and wealth as a tool for world evangelism. I believe the timing of this great book is right, and its impact on the church will be timeless. I recommend it for pastors, church leaders, Christian entrepreneurs, and professionals.
8BISHOP LIGHT ZAGLAGO - General Overseer, Royal Destiny Center, UK
I have been honored to speak regularly at the online Christian business workshops organized by Nelson and Elizabeth. As a pastor, I have a great admiration for their unique ministry, which I believe is relevant in these last days. For many years, the church has focused on raising money for missions without intentionally raising financial evangelists. However, how can we get the money for evangelism if our members are not financially empowered to do so? This is a question that pastors need to ask themselves. This is where the relevance of this great book comes in. Financial Evangelism does not just encourage people to fund the preaching of the gospel, but also examines time-tested strategies on how to create wealth for that purpose. If you are a Christian who feels led to do business for the purpose of funding the gospel, then this book is for you. For pastors and church leaders who are wondering why they are not able to raise enough funding for their ministries, this book will be an eye-opener. I endorse this book as a reference material for the modern church.
9ROTIMI EGBEWUNMI - Founder, Duke of Sales, Nigeria
Thank you, Nelson and Elizabeth, for the profound awakening you have brought to the responsibilities of the new creation in these critical times. Your book has provided me with unparalleled clarity, captivating my attention from start to finish. I believe every Christian should read this masterpiece, as it holds essential insights for God's people in business and professionals, helping them find clarity of purpose in their roles and responsibilities to the church in the 21st Century. The submissions of this book underscore the urgency of raising financial evangelists worldwide. I feel privileged to be associated with the authors of this incredible legacy because, to me, it represents more than just a book; it signifies a revolution! The impact it has on the hearts and minds of readers will undoubtedly lead to transformative actions in advancing the Kingdom of God. In a time where the world desperately needs kingdom-minded individuals to rise up and make a difference, Financial Evangelism stands as a guiding light. Thank you for igniting this movement and empowering believers to embrace their divine calling as financial evangelists. Your work will undoubtedly leave a lasting legacy and inspire generations to come.
10EBOBO JOHN - CEO, Top Notch Innovative Business Solutions, Lagos, Nigeria
I really liked the excerpt from the author where he said, "It is never enough to pay tithes and offerings! That is the least you can ever do as a Christian entrepreneur or professional! Apart from all the monies you give in church, God expects you to be actively involved in world evangelization and ministry work. God wants you to use everything you have at your disposal to advance His Kingdom, not just your money! What does this mean? Preach the gospel wherever you are! Be a true ambassador for the Kingdom. Don't just give money! God's overriding interest is to get the lost saved, and He wants us to be involved in every possible way." I agree with the author that it is not enough to just give tithes and offerings. As Christian entrepreneurs and professionals, we should be using our time, energy, gifts, skills, talents, and money to advance the kingdom of God. We should be ambassadors of the kingdom, representing Christ wherever we go. I also like the quote from Kenneth Erwin Hagin: "Our job is not to get the wealth of the world. Our job is to faithfully use the wealth we already have to get the Gospel out there. If all Christian entrepreneurs would simply tithe and give offerings, the church would have more than enough funds to accomplish whatever it needs to do. Statistics indicate that only twenty percent of church members provide eighty percent of church revenue and that the average American Christian entrepreneur gives only six percent of his income to the Lord's work. Imagine where we would be if those percentages were where they ought to be!" This is so true! The gospel suffers today for a lack of funding. Many Christians are willing to give, but they don't have the resources. We need to be more faithful in using the resources we have to advance the kingdom of God. I agree with the author that God's strategy for advancing His kingdom is by prospering us. When we are prosperous, we have more resources to give to the kingdom. We can also use our prosperity to influence others to follow Christ. I am grateful to Pastor Nelson for writing this timely piece. It is a great blessing to the kingdom of God, and I resonate with the message personally. I encourage all Christian entrepreneurs and professionals to read this book and be inspired to use their resources to advance the kingdom of God.
11BISHOP FRANCIS SARPONG - General Overseer, Calvary Charismatic Baptist Church, London
Financial Evangelism is a groundbreaking book that has captured my attention like no other. Authored by Nelson and Elizabeth, it delves exclusively into the biblical approach to finances, shedding light on a much-needed perspective for believers. One of the aspects I truly admire about this book is its emphasis on the belief that believers possess enough resources to fund the preaching of the gospel. In a time when financial support for the kingdom is crucial, this message comes as a beacon of hope. The authors start by defining the role of a Financial Evangelist, someone driven to make money for the sole purpose of financing the gospel. This clarifies the calling and purpose of individuals who desire to support God's work through their financial endeavors. Additionally, the book delves into various aspects of kingdom finances, from wealth creation to effective stewardship. The guidance on how to make wealth, preserve it, and use it in accordance with God's principles is enlightening. Financial Evangelism is a true masterpiece, encompassing a comprehensive understanding of kingdom finances. I wholeheartedly recommend this book to all Christian leaders, as it provides valuable insights to educate and empower their members in the area of kingdom financing. Nelson Semanu and Elizabeth Boandoh-Korkor have done a remarkable job in bringing this vital message to light. Well done indeed!
12ARNOLD PARKER - Former CEO, Letshego Ghana Ltd, Accra
As I delved into the pages of this book, the beautiful lyrics of one of my favorite songs kept resonating in my heart: "His favorite song of all, is the song of the Redeemed. When lost sinners, now made clean, lift their voices, loud and strong. When those purchased by His blood, lift to Him a song of love, there's nothing more He'd rather hear, nor so pleasing to His ear, as His favorite song of all." Financial Evangelism serves as the vehicle that enables our loving Lord to hear His favorite song being sung throughout the nations. The importance of financing the Gospel is both spiritual and practical, and for those who embrace it as a way of life, their impact transcends generations. Nelson and Elizabeth have poured their hearts into this inspired epistle, providing a beautiful guide for all who yearn to see the gospel reach the farthest corners of the earth. May God bless you as you read and equip you to gather the redeemed, as they sing His favorite song through your generous giving. Your dedication to Financial Evangelism allows God's love and message to resound far and wide, bringing hope and transformation to countless lives.
13RICHARD ABBEY JNR. - CEO, Xodus Communications, Accra
As an entrepreneur with expertise in event management, I have always strongly believed that businesspeople have a significant and vital role to play in the church and the fulfillment of the Great Commission. Unfortunately, for years, it seems that the church has somewhat sidelined entrepreneurs and professionals, leading some to believe that they must leave their businesses and go into full-time ministry to please God. However, I am thrilled by how this book, Financial Evangelism, has dispelled such misconceptions and clearly outlined the unique roles kingdom entrepreneurs can play in advancing the Kingdom of God. Financial Evangelism is not your typical personal business or finance book; it is truly one of a kind. The content is revealing, inspiring, and empowering. It offers valuable insights on achieving business success and wealth creation from a biblical perspective, while also providing practical guidelines on how Christians can strategically use their wealth and careers as tools for accomplishing the Great Commission. If you are an entrepreneur seeking wisdom on how to become a valuable asset in the Kingdom of God, this book is a must-read. It will undoubtedly transform your perspective on the intersection of faith and entrepreneurship. Congratulations to Nelson and Elizabeth for producing such an impactful and enlightening work!
14ERNEST FRIMPONG - Former MD, Loyalty Insurance Company Ltd,. Accra
The fulfillment of God's will and purpose on earth requires the active involvement of His children all over the world, each playing a unique role. God wants His children to experience total and complete salvation, including financial freedom, in life. Financial freedom begins at the personal level. A person must be financially liberated before they can effectively help others who are financially and spiritually captive. Financial freedom in the kingdom of God has a significant impact in eliminating scarcity mentality and the resultant effect of being an effective financial evangelist. It is impossible to give without receiving in return. Financial Evangelism by Nelson & Elizabeth provides an invaluable insight into the art and benefits of giving oneself and resources to the advancement of God's will on earth in a meaningful, significant, sustainable, and consistent manner. The passion of Nelson and Elizabeth for financial freedom and financial evangelism can be felt throughout the book. This is highly commendable. Among other life-transforming statements, I was particularly touched by the statement, "Giving up and getting frustrated is not in the dictionary of financial evangelists." Of course, we should never give up, no matter the obstacles or low energy levels. We need to recharge and press on, because the lives and destinies of many people are tied to our financial freedom and our ability to be effective financial evangelists. I personally pledge to buy a copy of this book for every member of staff at the company I work for. I encourage you to read this book and allow it to transform you into a world changer.
15REV. ALEX GYASI MBE - Founder, Highway of Holiness Church, UK
Nelson Semanu and Mrs. Elizabeth Boandoh-Korkor are renowned and prolific writers whom I have followed closely for some time now. I am delighted to see that they have now published their most comprehensive book titled Financial Evangelism. The book addresses all relevant aspects of the subject in a holistic manner, making it an essential resource for Christian businesses, entrepreneurs, professionals, and anyone passionate about wealth creation. Additionally, pastors, church leaders, and individual Christians will find it to be a vital reference material to enhance their financial prospects. Financial Evangelism is a must-read for all those who are divinely compelled to advance the Kingdom of God through their resources. The insights and wisdom shared in this book will undoubtedly equip readers to make a lasting impact in spreading the gospel and fulfilling the great commission. I highly recommend this book to anyone seeking to align their financial pursuits with God's kingdom agenda.
16ERIC EBO ACQUAH - Founder, Blue Rose Ltd, Accra
The book on financial evangelism is undeniably a profound source of wisdom for Christians who are eager to expand the kingdom of God on earth and advance the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. In our fast-growing world, where financial capacity plays a crucial role in spreading the gospel, this book offers invaluable insights. As Jesus declared in Matthew 16:18, "… on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it." Taking these profound words to heart, I am fully convinced that this book is a must-read, as it provides sound biblical knowledge on the necessity of utilizing our resources to advance the work of the kingdom here on earth. Personally, I approached this book with the ulterior motive of gaining a deep spiritual understanding of the importance of being channels of blessing in the kingdom. To my delight, the book addresses the questions that trouble modern Christians concerning financing the kingdom, offering substantial scriptural backing that left me in awe, wondering why such a book had not been available earlier. The authors' discernment in distinguishing between church financiers and kingdom financiers is an eye-opener that effectively settles debates surrounding the topic of financing the kingdom agenda. Every reader will be won over by the profound insights and unrelenting scriptural perspectives that dispel any doubts. This book has encouraged me to wholeheartedly embrace the race set before me and to confidently address the concerns surrounding kingdom financing. A cherished Bible verse of mine, Matthew 6:33, admonishes us to "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you." I firmly believe that kingdom financing is a manifestation of this act of seeking God first, making it a primary act of worship for believers. The principle of taking care of God's business and experiencing His reciprocal care remains unchanging. As we witness a paradigm shift in our service to God, kingdom financing emerges as an expressive form of devotion. This book is truly profound, enlightening, edifying, and above all, instructive in guiding us to passionately engage in and fulfill the will of God.
17BISHOP DR. FIDELE MASENGO - General Overseer, Foursquare Gospel Church, Rwanda
Church and parachurch leaders are more concerned with what is "spiritual." This is a positive thing, as we all want the Holy Spirit to empower us for God's kingdom. We know that we need the Holy Spirit to help us do the will of God. We are also aware that our neighbors, friends, and nations need to hear the gospel. We know that it is our duty as believers to take the gospel to unreached people. However, we often forget that taking the good news to the unreached has a cost. No single church can impact its surroundings without investing in finances. In my home country, Rwanda, four years ago, many churches with well-trained pastors were shut down, not because of spiritual issues, but because they lacked the financial resources to maintain their buildings. Pastors had invested more in spirituality than in financial matters. This book is a valuable tool that will help spiritual leaders increase their knowledge in raising and managing funds needed to accelerate the Great Commission and impact their places of ministry. I am very pleased to commend this helpful book to my fellow ministers. I have made the following changes to your text:
18REV. DR. STEVE ASANTE - Immediate Past President, Ghana Baptist Convention
The book "Financial Evangelism," authored by Nelson and Elizabeth, is an incredibly inspiring and enlightening material that challenges Christian entrepreneurs, professionals, and every believer to purposefully allocate a significant portion of their financial resources to advance the gospel of Christ. The authors have meticulously delved into biblical, historical, and contemporary examples of Christian businesspeople who generously contributed to the discipling of the unreached and unchurched with the gospel. Reading their testimonies will undoubtedly strengthen your faith. I wholeheartedly encourage everyone who comes across this exceptional book to read it and share its message with others. It is a powerful resource that deserves widespread endorsement and will undoubtedly ignite a passion for financial evangelism in the hearts of believers.
19EMMANUEL OSAE-NYARKO - Country Manager, Envirofit Ghana Ltd.
Many well-meaning believers with a passion for the work of God have been caught in a conflict. They are convinced that they can only make an impact in the kingdom of God if they are called into pulpit ministry or serve as church workers. These believers work in business, politics, and other professions, but they sit in the pews every day with a fire for God. They believe that they can only impact the kingdom from the pulpit. This is because church leaders have placed the emphasis on this role. However, the fact that you have passion and zeal does not necessarily mean that you are called to pulpit ministry. God has established two pillars to promote His kingdom, and He sees these roles and responsibilities as equal. These two pillars are typified in the construction of the first temple by King Solomon (2 Chronicles 3:16-17; 1 Kings 7:13-22). One of the pillars, called Jakin, represents the priesthood (pastors, apostles, prophets, evangelists, and teachers). Jakin also means "to establish." This pillar is well-known by believers and non-believers alike as being established by God for the kingdom. The other pillar, called Boaz, is not as well-known. Boaz lived about 250 years before King Solomon, but his impact lasted for generations after him. He was a farmer and businessman who conducted his business with godly reverence. He was also a wealthy man. Boaz means "in him is strength." Boaz represents those who are called into the world of business, politics, education, the arts, etc. They are what you would typically call "secular jobs" who have been raised as financial evangelists. These people also have an equal responsibility in the eyes of God when it comes to matters of the kingdom. The two pillars set in front of the temple were made the same: same dimension, material, and design. These two pillars are needed to drive the kingdom agenda. Both strength (financial evangelists) and establishment (pastors, missionaries, etc.) are needed to drive the kingdom. The revelatory nature of Financial Evangelism brings to light the second pillar of the kingdom: the Pillar of Boaz. If money was used as a tool to distort the fact and truth of the resurrection of Jesus, the very foundation of our Christian faith, and to this day some still believe that Jesus didn't resurrect (Matthew 28:12-15), then money is key to promoting the message of the kingdom. And this is what Nelson and Elizabeth seek to establish in the body of believers through this masterpiece.
20PASTOR MARK OFORI-KWAFO - Head, Legal, First Atlantic Bank, Accra
To be completely honest, this is undeniably one of the finest books I have ever come across, especially concerning the subjects of finance and business from a biblical perspective. The unique presentation and inspiring content of Financial Evangelism are truly commendable. Drawing on my extensive background as both a banker and a pastor, I fully concur with the authors that the church is in dire need of a vibrant breed of financiers, or as they aptly term it, financial evangelists. There are countless unreached mission fields globally, but the pressing question remains: Who will step forward to assist the church in sending willing missionaries to these places? This lingering challenge continues to burden the church. Indeed, many individuals are eager to take on the missionary call, but the lack of adequate financial resources hinders their endeavors. Unfortunately, only a few genuinely contribute tithes and offerings in church, resulting in financial constraints that limit the church's impact in several ways. This book delves into these crucial issues in detail, including a dedicated chapter on practical ways believers can fund the Gospel. What excites me most about Financial Evangelism is that the authors go beyond merely encouraging people to finance the Gospel. They also offer time-tested strategies, especially geared towards kingdom entrepreneurs, to create substantial wealth that can serve as a vehicle to fund the Great Commission. I am thoroughly convinced that this book will emerge as a paramount reference resource for the modern-day church. Church leaders and professionals of diverse experiences will undoubtedly find invaluable wisdom and guidance within its pages. Congratulations, Nelson and Elizabeth, for producing such a remarkable and impactful work!
21PROF. SAMUEL K. AFRANE - President, Christian Service University College, Kumasi
The importance of money in human enterprise and the propagation of the gospel agenda is undeniable. Bible scholars say that Jesus spoke more about money than heaven and hell combined, and that one out of every ten verses in the gospels deals directly with money issues. It is said that "the Lord dealt with money matters because money matters." Some women of Galilee (Mary, Salome, and others) demonstrated this in the life and ministry of the Lord Jesus himself. This book is an unequivocal affirmation of this reality. It not only shows the important place of money in the propagation of the good news, but it also provides sufficient and tested means and methods of realizing this effectively. Undoubtedly, we need more bankrollers or financiers for the gospel, especially in Africa. I urge you to desire to be one of them. This is a "must-read" book for all who are passionate about the spread of the gospel and have the potential of financially supporting the accomplishment of the Great Commission in our days.
22REV. DR. FREDERICK ARHIN - Senior Specialist, 37 Military Hospital, Accra
I found great inspiration in the March 2017 Lausanne Movement Manifesto, particularly the appeal and affirmations I made to the worldwide church and leaders in various domains. One of the affirmations called for the church to embrace wealth creation as integral to our mission of holistic transformation. Another urged ongoing efforts to equip and empower wealth creators for this purpose, while the third affirmed the importance of perseverance and diligent service using our God-given gifts. During the challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic, I had the opportunity to connect with Nelson online during one of his presentations. It became evident that his vision aligned with mine—to inspire and empower Christian businesspeople, entrepreneurs, and professionals through knowledge resources, including publications and conferences. This shared vision brought us together. Having followed Nelson's presentations, it comes as no surprise that he and Elizabeth are releasing the long-awaited book, Financial Evangelism. This remarkable work delves into the advancement of the gospel through entrepreneurship and business in the marketplace. It provides practical guidance on how we can reposition ourselves for wealth creation, utilizing this system to expand the frontiers of gospel propagation. The authors skillfully expound on the concept of Financial Evangelism, offering a clear understanding to all, revealing how God has historically used businesspeople and their wealth to positively influence the advancement of the Kingdom. I am impressed by the dexterity and logical presentation of Nelson and Elizabeth's writing. At this critical juncture in the life of the church, we are in need of more individuals who are committed to the Kingdom and possess a wealth mindset, utilizing their resources to support the work of ministry and soul winning. This powerful book, Financial Evangelism, serves as an invaluable weapon for effective soul winning, and I wholeheartedly endorse it.
23REV. THEODORE MENSAH ASARE - Founder & President, Theovision International, Accra
Financial Evangelism is a rare and valuable book that provides a comprehensive overview of the role of money in the kingdom of God. The book covers a wide range of topics, from the biblical principles of tithing and giving to the practical strategies for using money to advance the gospel. The authors, Nelson and Elizabeth, do an excellent job of explaining the importance of financial evangelism and how it can be used to make a real difference in the world. They cite numerous biblical examples of financial evangelists, and they provide practical advice for Christians who want to use their finances to support the work of God. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is interested in learning more about financial evangelism. It is a valuable resource for Christian entrepreneurs, church leaders, and anyone who wants to make a difference in the world.
24REV. SAMUEL SAKYI-HYDE - General Manager, Consumer Banking, UMB Bank Ghana
The challenge of raising sufficient funds to cover the actual costs of evangelism is a prevalent administrative issue faced by most churches. Those seeking to understand how to finance missions work will find Financial Evangelism to be an invaluable book filled with crucial information. Nelson and Elizabeth present a clear definition of financial evangelism, an insightful description of a financial evangelist, and an explanation of why the need for more financial evangelism is pressing, particularly in the last days. Throughout my more than 20 years of experience as a banker, business owner, and minister of the gospel, I have never come across a book that simplifies the concepts of financial evangelism and financial empowerment as effectively as this one. The authors not only stress the significance of financing the gospel but also provide valuable insights into entrepreneurship success. It is undeniable that evangelistic efforts require financial resources; it is impossible to discuss them without mentioning money. Every prayer request submitted and every financial contribution made to Financial Evangelism play a role in promoting the kingdom of God and fulfilling the command to "make disciples" (Matthew 28:19). The book emphasizes the necessity of having funds for evangelism, as missionary efforts rely on financial support. This book is a must-read for anyone seeking to advance the Gospel effectively.
25REV. DR. DOUGLAS OKONAH FREMPONG - General Overseer, Centre for Christian Outreach Ministries, Kumasi
For the past 50 years, I have had the privilege of serving in various capacities in evangelistic campaigns in Ghana, many African countries, Asia, Europe, and North America. I have also read several books on evangelism and soul winning, but this is the only one that directly links evangelism and financial success, suggesting that the purpose of financial prosperity is to fund the preaching of the gospel. The Great Commission was the main assignment that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ gave the church on His ascension to heaven. In that instruction, He made it explicitly clear that we must do all we can to take the gospel to the ends of the earth. Unfortunately, the church has not been able to do this simply because there seems to be a lack of financial resources that could help to achieve this aim. Additionally, as the second coming of the Lord draws near, not many believers are conscious of giving evangelism the needed priority it deserves. Against this backdrop, I find this book, titled Financial Evangelism, to be relevant and timely. In my view, it is an empowerment tool for championing the Great Commission. It is not just another book on wealth and business success. Financial Evangelism examines keys that Christian businesspeople can apply to create wealth in order to advance the kingdom of God. The book also presents timeless sound success principles for entrepreneurs who desire to do business God's way. I am confident that this timely book will ignite the fire for evangelism and soul winning in many ministries across the globe. I highly and enthusiastically recommend it. Congratulations to Nelson and Elizabeth for this great work!
26MIKE LACEY-SMITH - Psychologist, Author and Entrepreneur, South Africa
The world needs to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And unlike any other time in the history of the world, people need to be saved through dedication to bring Jesus to them by His servants. For this to happen, often financial backing is needed. This can be in the form of a little, or much more for those who can afford it and who wish to do it. We all deeply desire to bring people to our Lord and Saviour, and there is much rejoicing in heaven when a soul is saved. As Joe Kirby from Off the Kirb Ministries says, “We were designed to worship.” of worship is giving and financing ministries that grow the Kingdom of God. He also says, “We should be grateful for what we have. The Lord Jesus is in the business of creating new beginnings.” And yes, we should be grateful, and when we can do so, we should give. Just as Jesus is in the business of creating new beginnings, we too should be part of the business of ensuring that this same Jesus is brought to many. For this reason, kingdom entrepreneurship needs to be hugely encouraged. Kingdom financiers are critical to grow the kingdom to the glory of God. As a start, resources should go to your local church or church community that makes sense. What is more important is the giving of time and commitment to spreading the gospel. This book is a must-read for all Christians who want to grow the Kingdom of God. It gives very practical advice for those who can give their time to those who can invest vast amounts of money in God’s work. It is biblically based and thoroughly researched. I recommend it to both new and older sons and daughters of the Most High God.
27REV. SIMON AMPOFO - General Overseer, Gracefields Chapel, Havilah City Temple, Kumasi
It is amazing how people are willing to spend huge sums of money on worldly entertainment, but frown when the church uses resources to do its ministry work. If Christians don't push the gospel, the world certainly won't. That is why the church needs financial evangelists: people who will use their financial resources to push the agenda of God's kingdom. The church should not shy away from talking about money, because the Lord Jesus Himself didn't. In fact, He talked about money more than any other topic in the Bible. The book Financial Evangelism by Nelson and Elizabeth is a must-read for every church seeking to spread the gospel and raise kingdom financiers. The book provides kingdom business keys to entrepreneurial success, as well as the top ten keys to perpetual wealth. It also teaches how to use money to fund the gospel and make a difference in the world. I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to use their finances to advance the kingdom of God. It is a blessing to read and will challenge you to think differently about money.
28PROPHET MOSES BENNISAN - General Overseer, Family Altar, Accra
The significance of financial resources for the Great Commission cannot be overlooked. With over 8 billion people on Earth, it is disheartening that only a few have been exposed to the message of Christ. Many are still lost and in need of hearing the good news of the kingdom, but we struggle to reach them without adequate resources. In light of this, I consider Nelson and Elizabeth's latest book a true blessing to the church. Having had the privilege of experiencing their ministry in our church on multiple occasions and reading their numerous publications, I must say that Financial Evangelism stands out as an exceptional work. It is undoubtedly one of the finest books written on the subject of money and business for the modern Christian. The content is awe-inspiring, and its impact is bound to resonate across generations. I wholeheartedly recommend this book to Christian entrepreneurs and professionals from diverse fields of endeavor. By reading Financial Evangelism, we can gain valuable insights into aligning our financial resources with the Kingdom's advancement. Let us embrace this powerful resource and contribute effectively to spreading the message of Christ to the unreached masses.
29STEVE SAAH KOLUBAH - Chairman, SUNU Assurance, Liberia
Having known Nelson for several years, I have always found inspiration in his writings. I firmly believe that with increased financial resources, the church can be empowered to achieve so much more. As a Christian entrepreneur, I am deeply passionate about advancing the Kingdom of God on earth, and I am thrilled that Nelson and Elizabeth have taken up the noble task of empowering believers in the marketplace. Their mission is to enable them to make substantial contributions towards the success of the Great Commission. Financial Evangelism is a ground-breaking book that is destined to become a global bestseller. It provides valuable insights and practical strategies for believers to align their financial resources with the Kingdom's advancement. I wholeheartedly recommend this book to all who share a similar passion for advancing the Gospel and making a lasting impact on this world. Congratulations to Nelson and Elizabeth for their exceptional work
30REV. ISMAILA H. AWUDU - Head Pastor, ICGC New Wine Temple, Accra-Ghana
It is with great joy to finally find a book that realistically addresses one of the most important challenges confronting Christianity and missions – Finances. In Matthew 28, God through the Great Commission categorically stated that we go into the world and save souls, disciple them, and establish and deploy them. Christians, missionaries, and churches all over the world, have carried out this important task over the years with great alacrity and desire, commitment, and passion. The success stories of soul winning have been great but the discipleship, retention, development, and deployment rate of souls won and the upkeep of missionaries sent out has been negligible due to resource or financial constraints. This financial challenge confronting the Great Commission has affected the relevance of the church as Christ envisioned it to be in Matthew 28:18-19. “And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit.” Therefore, Nelson and Elizabeth boldly confront, dissect, and provide solutions to this all-important issue in their book titled “Financial Evangelism” at this time when there is much taste and hunger for God. It is a welcome venture, which needs many commendations. I hereby recommend this all-important book to every child of God to help break the jinx that has held the effectiveness of the Great Commission.
31DR. CHARLES ASARE - Senior Pastor, Baptist Chapel International, USA
I believe that in these end times, God has poured out His heart amongst all flesh to understand the times and the direction into which He is steering His church. It is true that, according to biblical prophecy, the majority of believers are gathering preachers that will speak to their own itching ears, other than the truth from the throne room of God. This couple has yielded to the direction of God by touching the very heartbeat of God, which is evangelism. In their book, Financial Evangelism, I must say that they have done a very good job in deducing the concepts of financial evangelism. I like the way they celebrate biblical financial evangelism. What inspires me is how they connect contemporary financial evangelism. In reading the book, one will appreciate how this young couple skillfully and wisely investigated, analyzed, and conceptualized financial evangelism from the Bible. It is unique in its way; you don’t normally find an easy to read book like this. It is so appropriate for its generation, and for the ordinary, average, Christian. In celebrating biblical financial evangelism, they did a very powerful work by exploring biblical characters like David, Father Abraham, Priscilla and Aquila, and Mary Magdalene to bring it home for the average Christian today. I could identify myself so easily with their approach to contemporary financial evangelism. As I read through the book, I sensed the rhythm of the heart of God; how He wants His children to understand His concept of amassing wealth to promote the spreading of the Great Commission. I also appreciate how they lay down the steps to help individual believers to achieve the status of financial evangelists. There is no question of the fact that you cannot preach the gospel without any financial assistance. In giving the Great Commission, Jesus Christ did not mention finances, meaning that, the gospel itself creates wisdom, understanding, discernment, and the ability to amass wealth to promote the gospel. This is what this couple has done so well. Their unique understanding, the wisdom, and the style in which they present this to the body of Christ is just a gift for believers today. I believe that taking time to read the book and to interact with it will not only make individuals relevant and significant, but they’ll enrich themselves with biblical principles to amass wealth. Reading this book is a decision to renew your mind and to achieve personal financial success that will not just help individual believers, but the kingdom in general.
32PASTOR PHILIP OPOKU NELSON - Reigners Worship Centre, Accra
Jesus gave us a clear and straightforward mandate to preach the gospel to all creation. However, there is a big gap between the money needed to fulfill this mandate and what we have in our hands to do the actual work. This is even more challenging in today's world, where finances are scarce. The church has also contributed to this problem by not properly understanding the concept of money and how it should be used for the advancement of the gospel. The book Financial Evangelism provides a deep practical understanding of how we can gain financial dominion and how money can be used as a tool in propagating the gospel. The wisdom in this book has the power to transform the minds of believers and enable them to exercise financial dominion that will cause them to reign in life and make impact in the advancement of the Kingdom of God here on earth.
33DR. (PST.) LAWSON K. ALORVOR - A Veterinary Surgeon & Founder of Praise Academy, Kasoa
I have always believed that entrepreneurs and professionals have an important role to play in the accomplishment of the Great Commission, and I am glad that a book on this subject has finally been written. For years, the church has neglected the roles of kingdom businesspeople in its major assignment, reaching out to the lost. Some people have even erroneously thought that they must resign from their workplaces and go into full-time ministry in order for God to be pleased with them. In this book, Nelson and Elizabeth propound solid theories on how to run a successful business on sound biblical principles and how to position one's business and career as a tool for advancing the gospel in the world. The book also examines time-tested strategies for creating perpetual wealth and how to use this new-found wealth as a tool to fund the gospel. Christians who are on the lookout for sound Bible keys to become financially independent can also find great wisdom in this book. Significantly, the purpose of wealth and prosperity is to bless lives and fund the gospel. This theme runs throughout the book. Honestly, this is one of the best books I have ever read on money and business in years! I would like to congratulate the authors for the masterly manner in which they presented the various topics and chapters that have culminated into this masterpiece. Financial Evangelism is destined to impact millions of Christians all over the world. I pray that the Almighty will breathe upon it and let it bring light into every business. I also pray for more grace upon them to unravel the mysteries of the Kingdom of God on earth. Congratulations!
34ANDY OSEI OKRAH - Former Ashanti Regional Minister, Ghana
Every vision requires adequate funding, and the business of soul winning is no exception. As someone who believes in youth development, I can appreciate the frustration of pastors who have a vision to reach the unsaved but do not have the means to achieve it. In addition to representing Christ in the marketplace or wherever we find ourselves, we are also expected to use our financial resources to champion the agenda of soul winning and discipleship. It is in this vein that I welcome the masterpiece titled Financial Evangelism. This book addresses key issues on kingdom finance, business, entrepreneurship, and wealth creation, making it a great companion for anyone with an interest in these areas. It is an eye-opener, and I highly recommend it to all, especially Christian professionals and entrepreneurs. Congratulations to Nelson and Elizabeth for this outstanding work!
35DR. ABRAHAM OFORI-KURAGU - Former Director, Legal Affairs, SIC Insurance
God deserves abundant praise, worship, and adoration for bestowing upon us the gift of Nelson Semanu and Elizabeth Boandoh-Korkor, two prolific and serial writers of great substance. This dynamic literary duo, akin to Priscilla and Aquila, an equally charismatic Christian couple from the early church, is devoted to the ministry of the saints. Their seminal work, Financial Evangelism, further accentuates their profile as courageous explorers of uncharted waters and fearless trailblazers in areas others may fear to tread. With unwavering courage and enthusiasm, Nelson and Elizabeth fearlessly address taboo topics that have hindered the growth and development of many individuals. The passion with which the authors express their thoughts and the clarity of their communication are truly commendable. Financial Evangelism is a must-read for serious-minded individuals seeking an impactful Christ-centered lifestyle that transcends their time on earth. The book's timing is especially pertinent as we navigate through a period of significant financial challenges and economic turmoil, with several nations and individuals grappling with the effects of recession. I trust that readers will approach this book with prayerful consideration and embrace its time-tested principles for personal and corporate transformational turnaround.
36DR. SOLOMON ABABIO-ADJEMAN - President, Founder, Priests & Kings Network
There are various methods of evangelism, and one of the key approaches is through finance. I am delighted that we now have a book that sheds light on the financial aspect of evangelism, termed as "Financial Evangelism" by the authors. It is essential to stress that evangelism goes beyond the conventional image of sharing Bibles and winning souls for Christ. While that is a fundamental form of evangelism, our contemporary world offers one of the most active avenues for spreading the Gospel through the use of financial resources. Given the global interconnectedness, financial means can reach people in any corner of the world with the message of the Gospel. Financial Evangelism involves how we utilize our financial resources as Christians. It is not an exclusive call for a few individuals but a mandate for every believer who identifies as a child of God. Often, many of us fail to realize that our financial decisions are a form of evangelism. When we invest money in something, we are essentially promoting and spreading the good news about that venture. For example, putting money into business promotion is a form of evangelism, known as marketing and advertising. Similarly, when we allocate our finances to support the Gospel and God's work, we directly contribute to promoting the kingdom and its values. Nelson and Elizabeth have done an outstanding job by creating this masterpiece. It is not just a book; it is a manual that every born-again Christian should have on their desk. It is a valuable resource for ministries in our current generation, not only for pastors but also for church workers in general. I wholeheartedly endorse this book and pray that it becomes a blessing to everyone who reads it!
37SELAM BEKELE KAIRU - Director, Dawit Insurance Agency, Kenya
At the tender age of 16, I surrendered my life to Christ while living in Entebbe, Uganda. Despite my parents not permitting me to attend church, I found genuine fellowship in the school's Christian Union Fellowship. Surprisingly, I was appointed treasurer of the fellowship soon after joining, and I marveled at the leadership's trust in me, considering I was a new convert. Little did I know that God had a plan to teach me stewardship and the importance of understanding the church's needs from a young age. Even with limited opportunities to attend church, whenever I had the chance, I willingly gave all my pocket money towards church projects, embracing the call of stewardship wholeheartedly. Discovering a book that clearly defines your identity in the Kingdom of God is a profound experience. For my husband and me, this quest has been a long one, despite being involved in several ministries. However, we noticed that our consistency lies in our heartfelt desire to bless men and women of God by taking them out for meals, shopping, and showing them love and care. We believe they deserve moments of respite from their relentless service. These men and women are ordinary human beings with their own needs and desires. Who spends quality time with them? Who do they turn to when ministry drains them, seeking support and understanding? It is this genuine care and affection that we have now come to realize aligns with the calling of Financial Evangelists. Reading this book has brought immense excitement as we finally recognize and embrace our role as Financial Evangelists. The seemingly small acts of kindness and support we offer in God's Kingdom can make a significant difference. By caring for those who have been called to minister the Gospel, we become an integral part of God's redemption plan. Financial Evangelists existed in the Bible and continue to play a vital role in advancing the Gospel. I wholeheartedly recommend this book because the knowledge it imparts boosts your confidence to give even more. I express my heartfelt gratitude to Nelson and Elizabeth for shining a light on the existence and significance of Financial Evangelists, reinforcing the importance of our calling in God's Kingdom. May God's blessings be upon you both!
38REV. DANIEL ASIEDU - MD, OmniBSIC Ghana Ltd., Accra
Financial Evangelism is an exceptional book that skillfully establishes a direct link between evangelism and finance, making it a masterpiece on the purpose of wealth for believers. Over the years, discussions on wealth and financial prosperity have sparked debates among both Christians and non-Christians, with some ministers of the Gospel being labeled as prosperity preachers. This has led to discomfort for some believers whenever the subject of money is raised in church. However, Nelson and Elizabeth, in this remarkable book, eloquently argue that financial prosperity is a God-given blessing and that ample financial resources are essential for fulfilling the Great Commission, as outlined by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in Matthew 28:18-20. They emphasize that the lack of sufficient financial resources has been a significant hindrance to modern missions. As a Financial Evangelist myself, I have personally experienced immense benefits by giving back from the little God has entrusted to me. I firmly believe that if believers are faithful in stewarding the financial resources in their hands, the church will be empowered to reach even the most remote and unreached places in the world. One of the most commendable aspects of this book is its practical approach to entrepreneurial success and wealth creation. It not only encourages believers to finance the Gospel but also provides valuable insights that will greatly benefit businesspeople aiming to stand out prominently. After all, how can we give what we do not possess in the first place? However, I must acknowledge that there are believers who have been mightily blessed by God but have yet to fully grasp the purpose of the wealth bestowed upon them. Sadly, many believers have not been faithful stewards of God's money, making this book an eye-opening revelation and a call for revival in the marketplace and among church leaders. I highly recommend Financial Evangelism as a must-read for every believer seeking a deeper understanding of the profound connection between finance and evangelism. This book holds the potential to ignite a fresh perspective on wealth, encouraging believers to embrace their God-given financial resources with stewardship and generosity, ultimately fueling the mission of spreading the Gospel and impacting lives worldwide.
39BERNARD OSEI-TUTU - Founder & CEO, Dusk Capital, Accra-Ghana
I am deeply impressed by Nelson and Elizabeth's deliberate and intentional efforts to equip the body of Christ with such a timely and relevant topic on Financial Evangelism. Their unwavering commitment to see the church of our Lord Jesus Christ financially empowered to effectively spread the gospel is truly remarkable. The content of this book resonates with Jesus' promise that "the gates of hell shall not prevail against the church" (Matthew 16:18), as it lays a solid foundation for the church to thrive and fulfill its mission in these challenging times. This book is a powerful resource that will undoubtedly impact the lives of believers and strengthen the church's impact on the world.
40GEORGE KOJO ADDISON – MD, Vanguard Life Assurance, Accra-Ghana
The book Financial Evangelism by Nelson and Elizabeth is a masterpiece. The church was founded by Jesus Christ, the Architect of the universe, and our Lord and Savior is not poor. Therefore, His church cannot be poor either. The authors have articulated the relationship between the Head of the church and the body in the area of financial independence. Money is an essential commodity in the business of the kingdom, and the authors have explained what believers must do to tap into the riches and prosperity of the kingdom. This is a must-read book for all those who seek and desire to access the fullness and riches of their faith.
41AIKINS MAC-BANSAH - Programme Policy Officer – Head, Cash Based Transfers, United Nations World Food Programme, Maiduguri, Nigeria
The book, Financial Evangelism, is a Christian masterpiece that weaves together the perspectives of a believer with the mandate of the Great Commission and a kingdom financier. This groundbreaking work could be described as a detailed, biblical, and contemporary fact-based educational account of the purpose of wealth to Christians in respect of the gospel. It is a must-read for all Christians! Congratulations to Nelson and Elizabeth!
42PASTOR DR. FELIX DELA KLUTSE - Head of Media, the Church of Pentecost, Headquarters, Accra
As a pastor, I appreciate the unique role that financial resources play in fulfilling the Great Commission. It is an open secret that we cannot talk about the success of a church in reaching out to the lost without making reference to the availability of financial resources. This book promises to be a great resource in raising the needed financiers for the end-time harvest. Against this backdrop, I find this latest publication by Nelson and Elizabeth to be a powerful tool for championing the Great Commission. The book also has vital lessons for kingdom entrepreneurs, as well as professionals in different fields. It is a masterpiece for the modern church, and I highly recommend it.
43PROF. PAUL FRIMPONG-MANSO - Former General Superintendent, Assemblies of God, Ghana
The long-awaited clarion call for a book that discerns Christian principles and practices concerning wealth creation, differentiating them from non-Christian ideas and ideals, has finally been answered. This distinct book, which I would dub the "financial freedom friend," has arrived to serve as the one-stop-shop resource that the Christian world has been searching for over the last century.
1REV. SAM BRIGHT-KAITOO - An Entrepreneur, Financial Advisor & Pastor, Accra
Financial Evangelism is a well-thought-out, researched, and written book by one of Ghana's most prolific writers. This book is a must-read for Christian entrepreneurs, business leaders, and aspiring business owners who want to know the hidden mysteries of attracting financial blessings and overflowing divine wealth to support God's work. This book will show you how to build altars for perpetual wealth from generations to generations. The authors, Nelson and Elizabeth, draws on their own personal experiences and insights as well as biblical principles to provide readers with a practical and comprehensive guide to financial evangelism. He covers a wide range of topics, including: The biblical foundation of financial evangelism The importance of tithing and giving How to manage your finances wisely How to use your wealth to impact the world for Christ Financial Evangelism is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to use their finances to glorify God and make a difference in the world. A well-written and informative book is sure to challenge and inspire readers.
2RICHARD OBENG MENSAH - A Pastor, Lawyer, Law Lecturer & Prolific Author
One of Jesus' most profound admonishments to believers is to not lay up for ourselves treasures on this earth, but to lay up for ourselves treasures in heaven, which is the most secure place to invest our treasures. This book, Financial Evangelism, offers you the practical knowledge, wisdom, and understanding that are needed to heed Jesus' admonishment. I consider you blessed and privileged to access the contents of this masterpiece. Don't stop the flow of the blessings in this book; recommend it to many other persons so that they too may receive their share of the blessings.